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新住民免費平板電腦借用服務開始囉!!! Rent-free service of tablet P

  • 發布日期:
  • 發布單位:
  • 資料點閱次數:117

National Immigration Agency has promoted "The Program of Assuring for New Immigrants" provides free borrowing services of tablets PCs for new immigrants since 2018 to enhance the utilization of digital applications. We can work together to embrace a fruitful life brought by digital information.


One call to borrow tablet PCs for FREE for 30 days. Free 10GB data per month for each tablet.

平板借用與使用諮詢專線 0800-700-101 或 02-89789271

Consulting service hotline for borrowing and usage of tablet PCs - 0800-700-101 or 02-89789271.


You will be served by the designated person from Mon. to Sat, 9:00-21:00.