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The Review Criteria Governing Foreigners’ Permane

  • 發布日期:
  • 發布單位:移民事務組‧居二科
  • 資料點閱次數:160

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The Review Criteria are enacted in
accordance with Article 88 of the Immigration Act (hereinafter referred
to as “the Act”) to review Permanent Residence Application Cases for
Foreigners, as stated in Paragraph 3, Article 25 of the Act.


The term "special contribution to
Taiwan," as stated in Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 3, Article 25 of the
Act, refers to one of the following:   


Having receiving an award from a
governmental entity above the ministerial level;


receiving an award from an international organization or won a top five
ranking (first, second, third, fourth or fifth prize) in an
international competition as recognized by the relevant authorities,
which is beneficial both to the improvement of related technologies and
the fostering of cultivate talents in Taiwan ;


made outstanding contributions benefiting Taiwan in the fields of
democracy, human rights, religion, education, culture, the arts,
economy, finance, medicine, sports and other areas;


made contributions to promote Taiwan’s image;

made other contributions to Taiwan.


The term
" senior professional personnel needed in Taiwan," as stated in
Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 3, Article 25 of the Act, refers to one of
the following:


professional skills in emerging industries, key techniques, and/or key
components and products;


critical and rare talent in the research and development of special
technology, technologies or having made outstanding achievements in
nanotechnology, MEMS technology, optoelectronics technology,
information technology, telecommunications technologies, automation
technology in system integration, material application technology,
high-precision sensing systems, bio-technologies, resource development,
energy conservation, or cutting-edge basic research, in which the
related expertise is urgently needed or cannot be cultivated in a short
period of time in Taiwan;


critical and rare talent in management work or having made special
achievements in the field of highways, high-speed railways, rapid
mass-transit systems, telecommunications, aviation, navigation,
deep-water construction, meteorology, or seismology, in which related
expertise is urgently needed or cannot be cultivated in a short period
of time in Taiwan;


made special achievements in science, research, industry, commerce or
teaching, in which related expertise is beneficial to the economy,
industry, education or welfare of Taiwan, and currently being employed
for their professional skills in Taiwan;


person who has one of the following qualifications:


Being a current or former chair
professor, professor, associate professor, or assistant professor in a
foreign university and currently being employed by an educational,
academic or research institution in Taiwan;


Being a current or former
researcher, associate researcher or research assistant in a research
institution and currently being employed by an educational, academic or
research institution in Taiwan;


Having a doctorate degree and
received an international academic award or having written an important
specific book or having engaged in research at a research institution
or having conducted technical research and development or management
work at a technical institution for four years or more, and currently
being employed by an educational, academic or research institution in


made outstanding achievement(s) in industrial technology which has been
recognized and accredited by an international organization, and thus
such achievement could actually upgrade the industrial technology of


in the top three in the Olympic Games or World Cup, ranking first in an
Inter-continental Game; being a coach for a national team and having
trained an athlete who ranked in the top five in the Olympic Games,
World Cup or ranked in the top three in an Inter-continental Game; or
other special competitive achievement that could enhance the athletic
ability of the national athletes of Taiwan;


other special skills and experiences ratified ad hoc by the central
authorities in charge of a specific field.


Prior to
convening a review committee to review an immigration case, the
Ministry of Interior shall consult the central competent authorities to
provide review opinions and then submit recommendations to the review
committee after summarizing.


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